When we buy a computer or refrigerator or television or CCTV camera, an operating manual will accompany the product so that the user will know how to operate the device.
Human beings, on the other hand, are born without an operating manual. Most stumble through life, through trial and error, not knowing the formula for thriving. Some do get proper guidance from their parents or caregiver. Most parents however, do not know how to teach their children the formula for thriving as they themselves have been raised by parents who are clueless. It is a case of the blind leading the blind.
A rice cooker, a vacuum cleaner etc cannot function until they are plugged in to a power source. Your energy level is similarly dependent on a power source. You too have an ON switch and an OFF switch.
Before I explain in detail regarding the ON switch and the OFF switch, I would like to introduce to you the subject of POLARITY.
Everyone of us has a CORE SELF. This core Self, our core Self has a positive polarity. The polarity of our core Self is fixed. It is always positive. It is not positive one moment and negative another moment. It is permanently positive.
The personality of human beings on the other hand, are either polarity positive, polarity neutral or polarity negative. If a human being is thinking a negative thought, his polarity is polarity negative. If a human being is thinking a positive thought, his polarity is polarity positive. (To be precise, when a human being is thinking a positive thought, he is actually being his core Self. You will understand as you continue reading.)
It is the dynamics between the polarity of the core Self and the polarity of the personality self of the human being that determine whether you are activating the ON SWITCH or activating the OFF SWITCH.
When the personality of the human being is having a negative thought, the OFF SWITCH is activated. This means that the personality self is no longer vibrating at the same frequency as the core Self. There is the presence of two different contradicting frequencies. The term for this is dissonance. Another term for this is resistance. By having a negative thought, the personality self is resisting the vibrations of the core Self. Another term for this is non alignment. The personality self is no longer in alignment with the frequency of the core Self. Another term for this is ABSENCE OF SYNC. The personality self is no longer in sync with the frequency of the core Self. When the personality self is no longer in sync with the core Self, the personality self is unable to receive the signal that is being broadcasted by the core Self. There is no reception present in the personality self. What is present in the personality self is STATIC. Static interferes with the excellent functioning of all the cells in your body. (When your television or radio is not properly tuned in, no sound or picture can be seen or heard. What can be heard are crackling or hissing noises. STATIC refers to theses crackling or hissing noises).
Just as human beings function optimally when body temperature is at 37 degrees centigrade, human beings function optimally when their polarity is polarity positive.
Whenever a person is attacked by bacteria or viruses, whenever a human being is having an infection, in general, as there are exceptions, he or she will receive feedback in the form of a rise in his or her body temperature.
Similarly, whenever the personality self is no longer vibrating at the frequency of the core self as a result of having a negative thought, he will receive feedback in the form of unpleasant feelings or negative emotions.
Negative emotions are simply feedback to inform a person that his current frequency is polarity negative and that if he wants to feel good again, he has to change his polarity from polarity negative to polarity positive.
When the personality of the human being is having a positive thought, the ON SWITCH is activated. This means that the personality self is now vibrating at the same frequency as the core Self. There is the presence of one non contradicting frequency. The term for this is resonance. Another term for this is non resistance. By having a positive thought, the personality self is not resisting the vibrations of the core Self. Another term for this is alignment. The personality self is in alignment with the frequency of the core Self. Another term for this is IN SYNC. The personality self is in sync with the frequency of the core Self. When the personality self is in sync with the core Self, the personality self is able to receive the signal that is being broadcasted by the core Self. Reception is present in the personality self and static is absent. As static is absent, all the cells in your body are functioning well and they are performing at the highest level.
When the personality self is vibrating at the frequency of the core self as a result of having a positive thought, he will receive feedback in the form of pleasant feelings (positive emotions). To be precise, when the personality self is vibrating at the frequency of the core Self, the personality self is no longer present. In other words, the personality self (the programmed self, the artificial self) has ceased to exist and the core self has taken over. If you are currently having a positive thought, it means that it is your core self that has taken over your consciousness.
Positive emotions are simply feedback to inform a person that his current
frequency is polarity positive and that he is on course.
You live in a time space environment where both the positives and the negatives are present. You can focus on the negatives or you can focus on the positives. You are bi polar.
Your core Self however will only focus on the positives, will always focus on the positives. Your core Self is unipolar positive.
Because your core Self is always polarity positive, when you are focusing on the negatives, you have activated the OFF switch to your power supply and your energy level will be compromised. You will experience a loss of appetite, you will feel lousy, lethargic, uninspired, pessimistic, etc. You are not in the zone.
Because your core self is always polarity positive, when you are focusing on the positives, you have activated the ON switch to your power supply. You will have a good appetite, you will feel good, energetic, inspired, optimistic etc. You are in the zone.
Your core Self will only focus on the positives. To prevent any loss of power supply, you must also focus only on the positives. You must match what your core Self is focusing on. When you match what your core Self is focusing on, you are also matching the frequency of your core Self.
It is these dynamics between the polarity of your core Self and the polarity of your personality Self that will determine your well being, your happiness and your prosperity. Please see the diagram below.
When you have the ability to hold and sustain a positive charge, it is not possible for you to experience any form of negativity such as sickness, poverty or unhappiness. Your core Self is pure positive energy. As long as you are able to hold and sustain a positive charge, you will be guided by your core Self at all times. Your core Self will guide you so that you are safe and secure. On your own, you cannot keep yourself safe and secure. You require the guidance from your core Self to keep you safe and secure. Your core Self knows what is going on all over the world and the universe. When you are holding a positive charge, you will receive promptings from your core self to go here or there, to contact this person or that person, to do this or that etc etc etc
(Babies who are born with missing bodily function(s) and other "abnormalities" may appear as if they are victims of some power that has prevented them from having a normal body. This perspective is incorrect. These babies have pre-arranged before their birth to be born with the missing bodily function(s) or other abnormalities. They have their own intentions for doing so.)
The goal is to be at the top left quadrant. You achieve this goal by focusing on anything that is positive. You do not need to change anything in this world. All that is required is to focus on what your core Self is focusing on. The presence of negatives is not the problem. Your inability to focus on the positive is the problem.
Because your core Self is always in a state of love and appreciation, whenever you are not in a state of love and appreciation, you are no longer matching the frequency of your core Self. Again, you are focusing on something that your core Self is not focusing on.
When you are in a state of Love, you activate your ON switch. When you are not in a state of Love, you are activating the OFF switch.
When you are able to match what you are focusing on with what your core self is focusing on, you achieve perfect alignment with your core self as represented in the above diagram.
When a sniper/shooter is aiming to hit a target, he must align the rear sight of the rifle/pistol with the front sight of the rifle/pistol in order to achieve perfect alignment so that he will be able to hit his target. (Above image taken from
Achieving perfect alignment with your core self is about focusing on what your core Self is focusing on. Since your core Self is focusing only on positive things, in order to achieve perfect alignment with your core Self, you must only focus on positive things.
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Best wishes.
Richard R Phahlawi
19 MAY 2021
How To Be happy 24/7 Under Any And All Conditions
Unveiling The Mystery of Life On Earth
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